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Get instant access to 65+ Virtual Summit Automations
to save time with repetitive tasks and tiny details - only $9!
Use the power of automations to save time, provide a red-carpet speaker and attendee experience, and increase conversion rates all at once - while saving you 30+ hours in the process!
Get instant access to...
- 65+ Summit Automation ideas neatly organized by category (including website, tech, emails, community, speakers, affiliates, sponsors, and more).
- Short and sweet walkthrough videos in addition to written explanations so you can hear the techy processes explained if that works better for your brain than reading. (These are explanations, not tutorials)
- Tech tool recommendations to help you choose the best software with the best capabilities for setting up automations and getting 30+ hours of your time back.
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Virtual Summit Starter Kit
What you're getting:
- Virtual Summit Basics Learn about the big-picture, important pieces that go into a profitable virtual summit.
- Keys to a Money-Making Summit Learn the 4 key components that go into a summit that actually makes money.
- Choose a Profitable Niche & Topic
Your niche and topic can make or break your success. Choose a niche and topic that will be profitable.
- Summit Planning Workbook
Get the most important pieces of the planning process out of your head and onto paper.
- Goal Setting Tools
Learn how to set realistic summit goals and use our calculator to determine yours.
- Summit Timeline Calculator
Get my suggested summit timeline and a calculator to set your due dates.
- Total payment
- 1xVirtual Summit Starter Kit$297-+
- 65+ Virtual Summit Automations$9
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Today's payment
- Virtual Summit Starter Kit$0
- 65+ Virtual Summit Automations$9
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Future payments
- $297
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Future amount
$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
All prices in USD